Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

How to convince our parents regarding our marriage?

i am 28 years old.I love a guy who is one year junior to me.He loves me also.We want to get married.But both of our guardians does not want the marriage to take place,they are against “affair Marriage” and “age gaping”. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: To see my future sheikh

my name is [private] sir plz help me to find out my future sheikh , i want to meet him or see him , plz give me some wazifa for it Continue reading

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with due respects i shall be very much obliged if you could please help to be following questions.
Q. is it possible for spiritual saints to appear(Halir)on a laymen.and also weather they could speak to us. Continue reading

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7 or 41 tariqats

I just wanted to know are there 7 or 41 tariqas. One Nashabandi Shaykh said that there is only seven. Is this correct? Continue reading

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Prayer Request: marriage proposal

Can you make dua for me to get as i am not getting marriage proposal thanks. Continue reading

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Increase Love between Lovers (Trust Issue)

Assalamallaikum I’m in a relationship since few years. We both love each other. Everything was going good, 3 month ago I came to know he is link with a girl. When I ask him, he accept his fault & promise me that he won’t do it again. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Disobedient son

I’m a mother to 4 sons, I live in Europe my sons don’t love or obey me, I have bought them up with trying to give knowledge of Islam and do try to encourage them to read namaz but he won’t , my oldest son is a compulsive liar , and the others have started too. Continue reading

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migraines for 10 years

A friend has been getting migraines for 10 years. It comes and goes: may skip a year or 2. He went for all sorts of tests and taken all sorts of medication but it persists. Continue reading

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my friend is sick for 15 years. she consulted many doctors, psychiatrists and religious people. she sees naked men when starts praying, get fainted most of the time. Continue reading

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Difficulty dealing with lust and concentrating on studies

The thought of paying for intimacy with a lady crossed my mind a lot, to say it nicely. Two nights ago I made an appointment with a lady to come over to my house, with the instruction we would only hug and not more and she could leave. I would pay her. Continue reading

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