Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

How to make Istikhara

Question: Assalam, I wanted to ask how many different ways one can do istikharrah? for suited partner, a maulana did the istikharrah with a tasbih. Is one way more reliable than another? also, i feel when doing istikhaara i worry … Continue reading

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Rulings by Shaykh Ali Gomaa

Thank you for posting from Shaykh Ali Gomaa website. Continue reading

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When Does the Soul (Ruh) Enter the Fetus?

When does the Soul (ruh) enter the fetus?
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Hyperpigmentation on face

I have light hyper-pigmentation on some parts of my face. They look like light freckles and increase after sun exposure…. Continue reading

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Really Bad Stuttering

Is there a way to improve my stuttering like a dua or something… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Jinns attack during sleep mode

Jinns often attack me during my sleep mode. Please pray to Allah for me to get rid of this big problem permanently… Continue reading

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Facebook Users

I have been told that our beloved maulana shaykh Nazim (may Allah give him long life) has asked us not to use facebook. Is this true… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: For Halal Job and Success in Studies

I am requesting my Murshid to please make dua for me. I am living in England as a student. I am on a student visa and allowed only 20 hours per week to work… Continue reading

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Can I make her agree to marry me?

I love a girl. She refuses to marry me because I am shorter and she leads a modern life which I don’t like. She believes “as she is beautiful she’ll get smart boys so why would marry me?” Her parents like her lifestyle. Mother wishes to marry her to rich guy. If she marries me, I’ll stop her bad deeds. Continue reading

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How to become mureed

My question is that how to become mureed of Sayyedina Sheikh Nazim Continue reading

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