Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Adultery, Is it neccery to tell my wife about this to make a good repentance?

Could you please advise the best method of repentance after adultery.[fr]Could you please advise the best method of repentance after adultery.[/fr] Continue reading

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My Spiritial Name and It’s Significance

Can you tell me what my spiritual name is? And also, what does it mean and what is the significance of my spiritual name. I wold really like to know what my name is. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Permission and Guidance on Marriage Proposal

I am seeking guidance and permission to marry. Alhamdulilah there has been a proposal for marriage some time this week and I would like to ask for guidance on this Matter before accepting or rejecting the proposal. Kindly advice me and I humbly request for your duas. Shukran Continue reading

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my question is about ablution, and particulary about dry the socks. until today, i always dry my cotton socks, and today a brother said me that it’s no correct, only with leather socks. is that comment correct? Continue reading

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Question about dream interpretation not appearing

May Allah bless all the workers of this website always. Ameen


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Fiqh of Portraits & Photography

Assalaamualaykum, a very talented friend of mine recently asked about the permissibility of drawing portraits and taking photographs. Could someone shed some light on the discussion that is going and what is the view held by our shuyukh please? Continue reading

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paintings of hazrat ghous ul azam

Assalam u alayekum syedi sheikh hisham !
I had posted this question previously twice but it has’nt been answered up to this day.
i wanted to ask that what is the authenticity of the paintings/posters that some people place on the walls of their homes , workplaces etc and attribute them to Hazrat Ghous Ul Azam RehmatUllah Alaye hi or Hazrat Ali Karam Ullah waj’hu hu .are these pics/paintings really there .i mean if a person sees in his dream some person resembling these pics should he believe that he is viewing Hazrat Ghous Ul Azam or Haazrat Ali?
shukranYa Syyedi. Continue reading

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books to learn basic hanafi fiqh

We recently bought a Manual of basic Hanafi Fiqh : “Nur al-Hudah, the light of guidance” by Imam Hasan Shurunbulali, translated from the Arabic by Wesam Charkawi. [fr]We recently bought a Manual of basic Hanafi Fiqh : “Nur al-Hudah, the light of guidance” by Imam Hasan Shurunbulali, translated from the Arabic by Wesam Charkawi. [/fr] Continue reading

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Please may I know my spiritual name, if poss.?

Thank you for all your efforts. May Peace and Blessings be upon you and your loved ones and all those who truly love you. Continue reading

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Thank You Sayyidi (q)

Sayyidi Mawlana Shaykh (q) mentioned on eshaykh that spiritual name is a special code that can open heavenly doors. I am very weak ya Sayyidi (q) please guide me on this. Please can I know my spiritual name if I have permission. I thank Allah (s.w.t), Rusululllah (s.a.w), Sultan-ul-Awliya (q) and Sayyidi Mawlana Shaykh (q) as I asked for istikhara for marriage from Mawlana Shaykh (q) and He gave me the permission. I am very happy. Thank You Ya Sayyidi(q).Please send your spiritual support to the weakest one. Continue reading

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