Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

making up missed prayers in place of sunnat e muakkdah

if someone has missed prayers for a long period of time,say 5 years,is it permissible for him to make up those missed prayers in place of sunnat e muakkdah of his daily prayers according to ”hanafi view”?(i.e not offering the 2 sunnat before fajr and offering 2 rakaat of missed prayer instead and doing the same for the sunan e muakkdah of zuhar,maghrib and isha).
Please tell the ”hanafi view” in this regard.
May Allah raise your ranks and syedna wa Maulana Sheikh Nazim’s ranks.
Shukran ya syyedi. Continue reading

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My spiritual name and meaning

Can you please tell me my spiritual name and its meaning. Continue reading

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you may delete my question

As salamu alaikum, thanks for providing eshaykh, very beautiful. I have
previously sent in a question, if it is no trouble you may delete it and make
room for others because the question i asked, may be dwelt on in my heart and by the Shaykh’s permission it may be understood, or it may play out as it is to Be as Allah Wills. Thanks you for everything
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Asalaam alaikum wa rehmatulAllah wa barakatuho the entire E-shaykh team!
i choose this option since there is no other option for sending greetings. I just want to wish everyone Eid Milaad un Nabi(salallahu alaihi waslam) Mubarak! May Allah bless us all and bring us together, unite us under the umbrella of Love of His most Beloved most honoured of all his creations Syedina Muhammed salallahu alaihi wasalam. Continue reading

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Punishment for Adultery

With regarding to the statement in this link …? Continue reading

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dua e-jamilah

Q: what are the benefits in reciting this dua? whee can i get a copy of it? Continue reading

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yajuj majuj

Q: I am interesting to know about yajuj majuj, do you know who they are really? and where they located nowdays? Continue reading

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shake hand

Q:i wish to know that , is it allowed for men women to shake hands with opposite sex. some ulema very strict about it. some vice versa. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: isthikara

My brother is studying to be a doctor. He has been seeing a white girl which my parents dont approve of, please do isthikara for him. Continue reading

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Q:Can i take bay’at from website (by online)?what is it accepted? Continue reading

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