Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Prayer Request: Marriage to Practicing Muslim

Please make dua that I marry the guy I am thinking of (ARP). He is a good Muslim and always trying to improve as am I and that is why I want to marry him. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Miserable condition

I am having extreme waswas and can’t even pray properly.Now only you can save me from this calamity your know my situation better than. Please pray for me ya sayyidi. Continue reading

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The reply also said “When he leaves his house, let him put one sadaqa in a box everyday”
What do you mean by put one sadaqa in a box everyday? can you tell me what I should put in the box everyday as I do not understand. What else can you give as sadaqa?
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Saw this dream in makkah sharif. i saw me and my wife and my Shaykh walking,there is a bandage around my wife’s foot as if its wounded.Shykh said to my wife who asked you to over burden yourself. Continue reading

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Dream: Istikhara dream

Salaam! I made Istikhara about a man and then my alarm didn’t wake me for Fajr. Shortly after Fajr ended I saw this dream. I dreamt that I was following the man I like to the places he worked, watching him help children and talk to people. Continue reading

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Dua to prevent mind reading

Salaam to all shuyukh especially to Mawlana and his deputies. Sorry for my bad adab. Firstly I would like to know about my ancestry my fathers side are shaikhs, I wanted to know if I am belonging anyway to ahl al bayt or to Abu bakr siddique (ra) family. Continue reading

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Saying Madad Ya Sultan ul-Awliya and Shirk

After reading the verses of the Qur’an 17:56-57, I don’t feel comfortable in asking Madad from anyone. Perhaps I have misunderstood the verses, can you please explain them and also give some proof from Qur’an/Hadith which allow that? Continue reading

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Forced to get married and am not happy

3months back I was forced to marry a man my parents didn’t know after 2weeks of knowing him they did the nikkah without my approval, was forced to stay with him and now that man treats me like he pleases never comes home I tell him to give me my divorce papers n he refuses. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: prayer request to get lost love back

i love this guy. and he used to love me too. he promised to marry me. all my friends and family know about him. now he moved to another city. first 3 months he was ok with me. but now he says that he doesn’t love me anymore. Continue reading

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permission to recite dua

Question: I seek permission to recite the Du`a and Ruqya for love and attraction which people call Du`a of Hazrat Dawud (upon him peace) Answer: A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem Please see here. Staff

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