Author Archives: Ustadh Ali Hussain
I had a dream in which I became pregnant. Im unmarried and [private] years old girl. In my dream I said my friend that I am pregnant and she was… Continue reading
Scope of ilme ladunni
Q. ) Does Ilm-e-Laduni play any role in forming the Aqeeda and deriving the Sharai’
ahkam or is it only for spiritual purposes and tasawwuf? Continue reading
Sheikh Nazim
Salam Alykum, dream of Sheikh Nazim, I kissed his hand and after kissing his hand I flew upwards… Continue reading
Bayah to a new shaykh
Doing istikhara I saw Shaykh Hisham in a different exterior and I asked him for baya. He shook his head… Continue reading
Dead pet in dream
My cat died few days ago. I love my cat so much. Im making dua to Allah that I want to see my cat again… Continue reading
How to train my ego?
I have several problems, can you please give me some baby steps to train my ego? Continue reading
Marriage purpose
My marriage is not fixing. Pls give me a solution for quick marriage with the grace of my Prophet and my Allah… Continue reading
help with love or ill die
Sallam Baba Ji, i am a girl i need help with my love to get my love back like before and get married or i will die or kill myself until i die i can not live this no longer i beg of you help me please… Continue reading
Angry, aggressive, withdrawn husband
My husband is emotionally abusive and has been physical with me and my eldest daughter, who is five. Continue reading
Grandmother failing
My grandmother is struggling with a bad infection. She is 105, and has been in good physical health, though struggling with dementia… Continue reading