Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of dreams. Note answers may be limited due to the quantity of requests.

Dream: Istikhara for Marriage
Rêve:Istikhara pour Marriage

I’m in love with a brother of the tariqa, a post I wrote before the December 6 and you told me do isthikara. [fr]Mon cher Cheikh, je suis amoureux d’un frère de la Tariqa et j’ai écrit à ce sujet dans un autre message sur eShaykh le 6 Décembre et vous m’avez dire de faire “Isthikara”. [/fr] Continue reading

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Rêve:Istikhara pour Marriage

Dream: seeing an evil woman

I had a dream of a woman who has evil features who has been coming in my dream since I was young. Continue reading

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Dream: Blue eyes and photograph

1. I saw that my brother and I had blue colored eyes (our eyes are brown) and I believe they were my real eyes’ color (in my dream). Continue reading

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Dream: Black figure

The night that I arrived from my journey to see Mawlana Shaykh Nazim I had a dream of a black figure without a face moving towards me. Continue reading

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Dream: a golden rope

I made istikhara if I could marry a sister which I dream before that Hajja Anna rahmatAllah said to me in dreams to marry. Continue reading

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Dreaming in a dream

Last night I had a strange dream. I was dreaming in my dream. In that dream I met my cousin who already passed away. Continue reading

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Dream: bad adab

One Sunday afternoon before dzuhur… I have a dream that Maulana Syaikh Nazim, Mawlana Syaikh Hisyam and me in a party. Continue reading

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Dream: about rasoolallah saw

I dreamt I was in a wedding where all my family was, I was greeting guests.I saw a beautiful man dressed in white with a tasbi. Continue reading

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Dream: Being cornered by low quality men

I had a dream, where I was leaving a building with my wife and brother which had two exits, the back exist was clear and I had a chance to exit it with my brother, but my wife had left a minute.. Continue reading

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Dream: Shaykh Hisham

I dreamt that we finished prayers and you told me to go and read a book from a shelf of religious books. Continue reading

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