Tag Archives: Sayyida `Ayesha
Hostility between Ayesha (ra) and Ali (ra)
1. Is it true that Ayesha (raa) lead a war against Ali (raa) in which thousands upon thousands of Muslims had died?[fr]1. Is it true that Ayesha (raa) lead a war against Ali (raa) in which thousands upon thousands of Muslims had died?[/fr] Continue reading
Two events: The Battle of Siffin and Karbala
My master when I read that Syedna Ali Raday Allahu anhu’s army refused to obey him at the battle of Siffin, I became very disturbed. Continue reading
Which way to pray
Our Prophet ( SAW) said, “Pray as you see me pray “.
Some people hold their arms against their sides during prayer. Continue reading
Dream: RasoolAllah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam
Dreamed I was in presence of RasoolAllah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam. They were behind my shoulder taking me places. Continue reading
About Our Mother “Fatima az-Zahra RA”
I want to know that by what name Seyyidina Fatima Zehra RA used to call Our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Mother Seyyida Khadija RA ? Continue reading
Are Shi`a Out of Islam?
Q: Are Shia out of Islam, since many of their beliefs are against Islam? Continue reading
Prophet’s Marriage to `Ayesha
The Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) contracted the marriage with`Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) between one and two years after Abu Talib and Khadija (Allah be pleased with her) died… Continue reading