The Sun orbit
I have read and heard many times that the hadith (The Prophet (ﷺ) asked me at sunset: “Do you know where the sun goes (at sunset)?” Continue reading
Isnad on Saint of Rajab Story
I had a question regarding the Saint of Rajab narration. What is the Isnad for it? and which book can I find it in? Continue reading
“answer before they are asked”
إنكم أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم قد أجبتم قبل أن تسألوا, Continue reading
Is Najd mentioned in hadith Iraq?
I have argued with him that this Hadith speaks about the Najd area in Arabia, but he counter argued refrenced to some hadith which mentions Iraq as the horns of satan. Continue reading
Validity of narration: Sayyida Fatima (a) is present for the visitors of Sayyidina al-Husayn (a)
Question: Salam alaykum Shaykh What is the validity of this narration: قال الإمام الصادق (عليه السلام) : (( إن فاطمة بنت محمد – صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم – تحضر لزوّار قبر ابنها الحسين – (عليه السلام) – فتستغفر لهم … Continue reading
“من هو القحطانى الذى ذكر فى الحديث “وبعد الجبابرة رجل من اهل
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Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) called NOT TO KILL even a FROG Continue reading
Salatul Tawbah and Maintaining Focus. Difference in Hadith. What is enough…?
If a person intends and tries hard to maintain focus during salatul tawbah-when unwanted thoughts come they push out or ignores them- is this enough? Continue reading
Dream: Shaykh Hisham telling me about garnet
I saw a dream where Shaykh Hisham was standing with another person, and he was explaining to me that garnet is a name of the Prophet ﷺ, Continue reading
Hadith verified by Prophet SAW
Many Awliya report verifying the authenticity of certain Hadiths directly with the Prophet SAW Continue reading