No real gems
can you please respond to this www.ahlalhdeeth.com where they are claiming the hadiths of Khalid bin Waleed and Ibn Umar is weak. Continue reading
Wahhabis and Khalid bin Waleed on calling ‘Ya Muhammad’
can you please respond to this www.ahlalhdeeth.com where they are claiming the hadiths of Khalid bin Waleed and Ibn Umar is weak. Continue reading
hadeeth: Surat at-Tawba
Prophet saw Said who ever recite surah tawba last verse after every prayer 7 times he will allow to go in jannah Continue reading
is it hadith: 40 (days?) in a country ?
Please can you confirm that there is this hadith ( ≈ wording)? Someone who lives 40 * in a country / among a people will be like them. Continue reading
Prophetic Hadd Punishments
How many times did the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) order the hadd punishment? Continue reading
The saved sects
Assalaam Alaikum. Pls help me with the Arabic quote of the Hadith on the saved sect… Continue reading
A question always haunt my mind is that is Iblees a hafiz ul Quran? Continue reading
Hadiths about Turban
Are the hadiths “the imama is the crown of the Arabs, if they put it down they…” and “between iman and kufr is the imama” sahih or hasan ? Continue reading
all who say la ilaha il-Allah will enter paradise.. help me understand
Allah gave this to our Prophet (Pbuh) as a gift, right? Do you have to believe in Muhammad too? Continue reading