Tag Archives: nawafil

Celebrating Laylat al-Bara`ah

We see that many people today object to celebrating Laylat al-Bara`ah in the masjid by performing group prayers and du`a. What is the reason for this, given that many Tabi`een observed this night? Continue reading

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Mynah in dream

I saw mynah in my room and that bird was not moving an inch…i was trying to shoo it away while tying a beaded necklace Continue reading

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Four Raka`ts before Salat azh-Zhuhr

I researched and according to كتاب الصلاة hadith by wife of Habibullah (saw) that He never missed 4 Sunnah in Dhuhr. And as observed by followers of Imam Abu Hannifa is 4+4+2 Continue reading

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salah between asr and magrib

Asalamu alykum. I heard that between asr and magrib no salah not even nafal salah CANNOT be offered.. and between magrib and isha… Please clarify.
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Celebrating Laylatu Nisf Sha`ban

Are there any dalils that show it is permissible or recommended to observe the Night of mid-Sha`ban with congregational worship? Continue reading

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First Rajab Vision

On 1st Rajab, exactly in the interval praying sunnah Rajab, ba’da maghrib prayer, I see the presence of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Haqqani just in front of me so I cried…. Continue reading

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Person who first claimed and propagated tarawih as being 8 rak’ats

I wanted to ask Sheikh about the person or group who first claimed and propagated that tarawih… Continue reading

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Ratib Al-Attos

I want to ask about Ratib Al-Attos. What is that, function etc Continue reading

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Practising Ibadaah…

I would like to practice certain practices which r part of tariqah like reading ghaiban-e-janazah… Continue reading

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Dream: Sun

I saw myself on a cliff. I was looking at the sun. Under the sun, there was a huge ocean. Continue reading

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