Madhhab of Hadith Imams
Q: What is the position of the Great compilers of hadith in matters of fiqh? Continue reading
Recommended Texts on ‘The Four Righteous Caliphs’ & Hazrat Imam Husayn (AS)
Q: I wanted to humbly request Shaykh Hisham whether he could kindly recommend some biographies/texts on our Four Caliphs (Sayidina Abu Bakr, Sayidina Omer, Sayidina Ali, and Sayidna Usman (ra)) as well as a book /texts on Hazrat Imam Husayn (as) and his martyrdom at Karbala. Continue reading
To What Does “Allah” Refer for Pre-Islamic Arabs?
Q: So when the pre-Islamic people where using this name (Abd-Allah) to which Allah are they doing reference? Continue reading
Disobedience of the Jinn Before Adam (as)
Question: Please can you answer for the following question? I have heard the below statement in the khutbah of Imam just before juma prayer at the Mosque, “Before Allah swt created Adam asĀ He swt created jinns and they were … Continue reading
Prophet’s Marriage to `Ayesha
The Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) contracted the marriage with`Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) between one and two years after Abu Talib and Khadija (Allah be pleased with her) died… Continue reading