`Ibadat – Worship
Umrah in Ramadan
Since I have strong feelings going for Umrah in last 10 days of Ramadan, may I seek permission and du’a from beloved MSH to comeover obstacles and successful journey. Continue reading
Mawlana instructs I and my wife to do itikaf on the last 10 days of this coming Ramadhan. What daily awrad or wirid do we have to observe? Continue reading
Hasbun Allah…and menses?
May I first of all apologise for still not being clear about this matter? I am sorry, but I need to know: during my period is it ok to do zikr of 1. Hasbun Allah Rabbun Allah and 2. Hasbun Allah wa naim Al Wakeel and of 3. The Asma Al Husna and 4. Salawat? Continue reading
How to be a good muslim?
I am trying my best but sometimes when I pray I have bad thoughts even when I am listening to a sohba, it is very difficult for me to concentrate. How can I be more concentrate when I pray? Continue reading
Blood test and validation of fast
Does the act of giving blood as a sample for blood test invalidate the fast (when the quantity of blood is relatively small i.e. up to half or 3 quarter of a test tube)?… Continue reading
if I slaughter sheep for the pregnancy of my wife, so that everything inschallah goes well , can I keep some of the meat?… Continue reading
Sunnah prayer during kutbah at jumuah
Is it permissible to offer sunnah prayers in a position behind where the Imam is standing delivering the kutbah?… Continue reading
Sadaqa for someone to find Islam?
I was wondering if one can give sadaqa on behalf of someone as a request that they may find Islam InshAllah… Continue reading
Broken Promise
I made 2 promises to Allah (I said in my dua,”Allah, I promise to…”). I could not live up to my promises & broke them… Continue reading
Asking for Paradise???
Recently Maulana Shaykh Hisham, May Allah be pleased with him, said that if we ask for Paradise then ‘balaa’ can come upon us… Continue reading