`Ibadat – Worship
Fasting in the month of Rajab
I want to know the days of fasting during the month of Rajab… Continue reading
Duas in Sujud
I want to know whether its permissible to ask dua in any language in Sujud.
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I would like to ask u is it essential to wash both the front and the back part during every wudu… Continue reading
Offering prayer in t-shirt
If a person is offering a prayer in t-shirt and during each prostration due to stretching his back is uncovered slightly… Continue reading
Reading Quran In Public
I read Quran on the tram because at home I don’t get time astagfirullah but I don’t wear a hat because the public think wrong of us muslims nowadays… Continue reading
Going Umrah
I am going on umrah on 17th may 2012 I am going for two weeks. I have never been Saudi Arabia and heard it is very strict… Continue reading
Feel soul burning
At the end of Isha prayer I did sajeda to read Aytul Kursi and Surah Fatiha because I absolutely love to read it in sajeda. … Continue reading
Covering the face whilst in Ihram
I am hoping to perform hajj this year Insha Allah, I know that there is a hadith that states women should not cover their faces while in ihram… Continue reading
Special Dhikr
I had a problem in my worship. where I always feel that prayer, remembrance, and worship other less came into my heart so I have no spiritual progress… Continue reading