Salat – Prayer
awrah showing during salat
I was praying somewhere yesterday and a lady came up and told me if the bone at my wrist, that sticks out is showing, my prayer us ruined. Continue reading
Sajdah and Graves
What is the ruling of prostrating on, prostrating towards, or prostrating in the vicinity of a grave? Continue reading
Six Days of Shawwal or Qada of Ramadan?
Is it allowed to fast the six days in Shawal before paying the debt of missed days in Ramadan Continue reading
Bad occurrences while observing salat
I started reading salat and my son face was burnt with hot water. Continue reading
Secondary causes of breaking wudhu
What secondary causes nullify wudhu according to all 4 madhhabs? Continue reading
Pandemic adhan
In Pakistan they are calling out Adhans at night in this time of difficulties Continue reading
Definition of a quarter of the head (Hanafi)
What is exactly a quarter of the head in Hanafi school? Could one wipe just over the back of the head? Continue reading
Not being able to offer Salah
While standing for namaz, my head and hands start shaking. Continue reading
Sajdah method female
In Hanafi madhab do females have to put their elbows on floor while in sajdah or not? Continue reading
Angels singing praise of Allah when I entered a mosque (real life, not a dream)
when I entered that mosque, i heard the angels singing the praise of Allah. Continue reading