Prayer Request
Prayer Request: For marriage with girl i love and good job
Salam Shaykh, Plz make dua for me so that I will get married to the girl I love and also so that I may get a good halal job. Continue reading
Prayer Request: exam success and marriage
Respected sir..please pray for my success in postgraduate exam, which I am unable to pass since 2011 despite lot of hard work… Continue reading
Prayer Request: which one is right for me
I have two cousins that are both interested in me. My family is happy with the family and their family is happy with us. Out of the two guys there’s one that’s religious but I don’t know his personality. Continue reading
Prayer Request: pray for my friend.
One of my friend has got suicidal tendency..and I don’t know what to suggest please pray for him cause he is in extreme condition and he may commit suicide any time. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Meeting a new lover
I am going to meet a woman whom I never met before but some one wanted to connect us together. With the interruption to marry her, this is going to be our first time to meet. I am black and the woman also a white woman… Continue reading
Prayer Request: munafiq
I’m completely lost, I find no joy in anything worldly or deen based. I have stopped praying, I have stop making dhikr and I’ve stopped making dua. I’ve made dua so many times that I’m starting to question whether or there is a creator istaghfirullah. Nothing is going right for me. I’m angry at everything and everyone. On the outside I look together and like I have everything but I hate life. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Job Problem in Jeddah
My company doesn’t pay salary on time, and they are considering holding salary for the next 3 months. There is word around of restructuring and termination for most of the staff. Our management consists of wicked people who are sadists. Continue reading
Prayer Request: very urgent Trouble in marriage
Myself [private] and 6 months before I got engaged with girl named [private]. We both love each other too much and was decided to get married till December 2014 but in the month of may I came to [private] and after that [private] is denying to get marry with me. Continue reading