Sufism (Tasawwuf)
New Tariqahs
As we know, there are 41 tariqahs, we wanted to know, since we see many other new tariqahs being formed, are they accepted?… Continue reading
Two Questions
Is it okay if I wear turban cloth less than 7 meters? Second can you tell me a wird that will prevent me… Continue reading
I am trying to thread the path of tassawuf but my nafs overpowers me sometimes. I know it’s a difficult path but think it’s the way for me…. Continue reading
Different Lights
I just wanted to ask what it means to see different coloured lights after prayer or just whilst walking around I would really be grateful if I got a list in reply with all possible colours to see… Continue reading
Am I still in the tariqa?
Am I still in the tariqa if I am not reading my awrad regularly? Do we have the permission of reading the dua of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani asking for help… Continue reading
We need dawah material for non-Muslims at our college in South Africa. Where can we find good literature that portrays the true meaning and concepts of Islam… Continue reading
Help about Haqqani Tariqa
I really love Shaykh Nazim and this tariqa but when I read some stuff about what Mawlana had said like whispering the answers to the question of the grave and giving the soul… Continue reading
Qiyam (Standing) while reciting Salat-o-Salam on Holy Prophet (Asws)
1) Permissibility of qiyam (standing) during recitation of salat and salam on Holy Prophet (Asws). 2) Can you please provide reference for Imam Taqi ad-Din Subki (Rah)… Continue reading
Haroof e adadi
I’ve read that Hazrath Shah Naqshband radiAllah anh has stated to count the amount of zikr you do. The zikr which I perform is ism Allah hu. But what I wanted to ask is how is this to be counted whilst in tasawar at the same time? Continue reading