Sufism (Tasawwuf)
talking about rasool allah s.a.w
every time i read about the blessed prophet rasoolallah s.a.w tears come out of my eyes within seconds. sometimes when i am talking about the blessed prophet rasoolallah s.a.w i feel something overcome me and my eyes fill with tears. Continue reading
Do i have permission to inshAllah travel with my wife to Morocco in October? Continue reading
Islam, Chinese Internal Martial Arts, and Cultural Adaptation
I’m interested in learning about how Chinese Muslims adapted Chinese Internal… Continue reading
problems for praying salah
…she is punctual in her salah but of late she is having problems praying fajr prayers when she gets up at fajr she starts to pray she feels a very heavy pressure on her chest and cannot pray Continue reading
Mawlana Shaykh and Prophet saw
1) I would like to know please; by the term Mawlana is always in the presence of the… Continue reading
Upset about Rumors and Gossip
I am very confused regarding gossip spread about me… Continue reading
secrets of secrets
i wanted to know the secrets of surah al fatiha, e.g by reading certain amount of times this will happen…
and secondly some secrets of reading darood shareef specifically darood e khizri Continue reading
Ramadhan in Lefke
If it is meant for me and my husband, I would like to request permission to visit Mawlana in Lefke on Ramadhan. Continue reading
Meeting a shaikh
I recently came to know and realise how much of a sinner I am and I am trying hard to increase my love for Allah and submit to him. I now got to know that this can be done with the aid of the shaikh
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