Sufism (Tasawwuf)
I wanted to do murakaba but I heard you need a sheik or a spiritual teacher first that can help. I want Holiness Shriek Nazim to be my sheikh and do baya and get help for muraqaba is it possible. Continue reading
A True Path Seeker
I am searching for some one who can help me to show me the Path of Allah and HIS Messenger (PBUH). Can you please help me out?
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Secret of Tariqah and Unveiling
What is the difference and how to explain the difference between the SECRET of a Tariqa and the tarbiyyah of a Shaykh on his Mureeds. Continue reading
Who is the exact person arrange the daily wirid
Is it Maulana Syekh Nazim, or Maulana Syekh Abdullah Dagestani or even Maulana Syarafuddin, that arrange the daily wirid? Continue reading
Bayah with a living Shaykh
I am confused about who is our Shaykh after Mawlana Shaykh Nazim. Because in every tariqa after the Shaykh passes away the mureeds do bayah with the khalifah of the Shaykh. Continue reading
Love for God
I have a shiekh in Naqshbandi tareeqa. I am a beginner. I do wazaifs according to my ability. Is there any auliya of God who can make me reach the divine court of Allah? Continue reading
I am very confused! (Kafam Çok Karıştı!)
Yeni rastladım araştırırken. Adnan Efendi var… Hişam Efendi ile kardeş galiba. O, Mehmet Efendi’ye biat ediyorum dedi. Birde Hişam Efendinin mümkünse bahsetmiş olduğunuz o sohbetin (tarikat Şah-i Merdan Hz. Ali’nin elinde) videosu var mı? Continue reading