Salawat ash-Shifa
we read salat al tibb (tibbil quloobi wa da wa iha) … history behind this salawaat? Continue reading
ما حكم العتيرة في رجب؟ – Ruling of Rajab sacrifice (`ateera)
What is the ruling on sacrificing an animal for the sake of Allah in the month of Rajab (`ateera)? Continue reading
Food left out overnight
If food has been left open over night, what should we do with that food? Continue reading
is Hijab Mandatory?
Question: May this finds you in the best of everything by Allah’s Grace. Would like to know what all of you, brothers and sisters, and Maulana Shaykh Hisham think of this following cogent analysis of Dr. Ibrahim Syed and his … Continue reading
Please comment: Australian Muslim male students decline shaking hands of women
Can you comment on this article: NSW Muslim students decline to shake hands ? Continue reading
What happens if end times approach nearer…
I understand that the fitan have increased too much and the era of Imam Mahdi (AS) is approaching but what will happen then? Continue reading
Rafidi attacks against Sahaba
I am very confused regarding hadrat Umar and Abubeker as-Sidique, some extreme Shia’s claim hadrat Fatima was killed by Umar and Abubeker as-Sidique Continue reading
Distinguishing between Black Magic and Prophetic Miracle
How can we distinguish between a real Mu’jiza and a strange event performed through sorcery? Continue reading