Worldly Dealings
Sleeping position
I have noticed, due to room bed arrangement my legs are facing qibla while sleeping.
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Fitnat ul Dhuhaima
Would you please explain Fitnatul Dhuhaima, and share some other Eschatological knowledge? Continue reading
The lady of heaven
Question: Assalamu Alaykum There is a film called The Lady of Heaven which is causing a lot of mayhem within Muslims what should our reactions be towards this film. Wassalam Pray for me and all. Answer: Waalaykumussalam warahmatullah, Avoid and … Continue reading
Renting to LGBTQ
Received a rental application from an LGBTQ couple. Continue reading
Carrier advice
I please guide me about my carrier: sport or politics. Continue reading
Print On Demand Guidance
I want to know whether Print On Demand Business is permissible Continue reading
Is hiring a woman working remotely jaiz?
Is hiring a woman working remotely permitted? Continue reading
career guidance
Can I get some sort of guidance related to my career? Continue reading
I have heard Ottoman kings had many wives and concubines. Continue reading