Rights of A Wife With Her In-Laws


Salam Shaykh,

Forgive me for having a lack of adab & complaining to you in any way Shaykh.
I feel that my in-laws are very intruding into my marriage life. They control me & my husband a lot just bacause my husband is the eldest son and lash out hurtful comments all the time Shaykh. They look down on me just because I am a daughter-in-law with no education & I wasn’t a favoured daughter in law. At the moment, I am living with my MIL(mother-in-law), FIL(father-in-law), SIL(sister-in-law) & (BIL)brother-in-law. My MIL & SIL is very jealous when my husband shows affection to me & shows that he cares for me. I feel very uncomfortable when my brother in law is around as I know that I am expected to cover up all the time. My MIL & FIL doesn’t allow my husband to move out (I have one baby girl) & we live in a really small room. I have to share the kitchen, bathroom, living hall & everything I do seems to be not good enough for them. My FIL & MIL scrutinize what I do with my husband or for my husband & if it’s not satisfactory to them, they will start complaining to everyone including my husband.

In their culture, I am expected to serve my in laws & I have to cook for them. I am very unhappy staying with my in-laws & because of this, I keep fighting with my husband. My marriage is badly affected. I keep asking my husband for my own house & my own place from my husband. I need to know what my rights are as I feel like a slave. I just had a baby & I’m extremely tired. I also want to devote my time for my daughter. Please advice me Shaykh. I feel really sad.


wa `alaykum salam,

If your husband can aford to rent a small house, he should, and if he is refusing, then ask your parents to interfere to solve it.If he can’t afford it, may Allah give patience.

Hajjah Naziha Adil

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