Dua Al Badri or Al badr?


Asalam alaikum…

I am new to this site, someone recommended it to me.

I have a question in regards to something, what is Dua Al Badr or Al Badri? I heard someone speak of it…they briefly mentioned that it was A dua prayed by the Sahabas (may Allah be pleased with them) during the time of battle of Badr to gain victory. But someone else told me that it is harram to pray it, as we are awakening them up from their sleep, and if prayed it causes high consequences.

Could you please explain to me what it is, and whether or not it is prohibited to pray it!

I am very confused, I do not want to take a step and Allah might not be happy with me..


`Alaykum as-Salam,

The Du`a of Badr consists in supplicating Allah Most High by means of the Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) and Companions who fought at the battle of Badr through the recitation of each and every single one of them. They numbered 314 according to Ibn Ishaq (Sira 1:317), a figure elsewhere ranging between 305 (Ibn Sa`d, Tabaqat 2:11) to 319 (Muslim, Sahih, al-Jihad wal-Siyar, al-imdad bil-mala’ika fi ghazwat Badr): over 60 Emigrants (Muhajirun) and over 240 Helpers (Ansar) (Bukhari, Sahih, Maghazi, `iddat ashab Badr) – Allah be well-pleased with them and grant them the Highest Paradise. The Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) declared them all to be dwellers of Paradise.

There are several works, both in verse and in prose, that list their names, usually in alphabetical order. Among such works:

  • Sayf al-Nasr bil-Sadat al-Kiram Ahl Badr by Sayyid Ibrahim b. Idris al-Sanusi (d. 1304/1887);
  • Jaliyat al-Akdar wal-Sayf al-Battar bil-Salat `ala al-Mukhtar by our Grandshaykh Mawlana Diya’ al-Din Khalid b. Ahmad al-Baghdadi (1190-1242/1776-1827); and
  • Asma’ Ashab Badr ridwan Allah `alayhim ajma`in by Shaykh `Abd al-Latif al-Shami, reproduced in the encyclopedia of du`as entitled al-Qulub al-Dari`a (p. 27-46, 319 names) by the great Turkish Naqshbandi Hadith scholar Shaykh Ahmad Diya’ al-Din Gumushanevi (1227-1311/1812-1894), a grandstudent of Mawlana Khalid through Shaykh Ahmad b. Sulayman al-Arwadi.

It is praiseworthy to recite such works with the intention of blessing and to supplicate Allah Most High by means of them, without any restriction whatsoever.

Blessings and peace on the Prophet, his Family, and all his Companions.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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