Asalam alaykoum Mawlana,
I want to thank you for this website, once I came across this site, my knowledge expanded.
1: Do we get the same ajr to listening to Quran as reading it. I tend to pay attention / learning by heart when I listen to Sheikh Mishary’s recitations.
2: I woke up with pimples over my face/ rash, I went to the doc and I had meds, and it didn’t go away regardless of the fact that I actually improved my diet. Can you please make dua for it to heal by Allah’s will because it is really affecting my self esteem.
3: I have few friends for which I do not trust, I no longer want to keep their friendship. Can you please make dua for Allah (swt) to keep bad friends away from me and keep good ones close to me.
Jazakallahu kairan
wa `alaykum salam,
1) If you intend that Allah rewards you the same as the reciter, Insha-Allah, He shall grant you that. Of course the one reciting gains more. Alhamdulillah, Allah has given you the Himmah to learn the Qur’an by heart. Keep on with it and may He make it easy for you. Get your recitation/memorization checked by a qualified Hafiz of Qur’an.
2) Refer to this post: How to Get Rid of Spots on Face
3) Insha-Allah, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham will make du`a for you. Keep to the true and pious ones, and you shall see a change in yourself for the better.
Abdul Shakur