Assalamu Alaykum
I am a revert murid (45 years old), unmarried and living and working in a small city in England with almost no Muslims. I have no Muslim friends here and the nearest Dhikr is 40 miles away. My nearest Muslim friends are 140 miles away. I am trying to obey Maulana’s instruction for women to stay at home after Maghrib generally and specifically during Muharram. This means I cannot attend Dhikr or visit my Muslim friends. I am worried that my spirituality, faith and deen will suffer from only mixing with non-Muslim people at work and spending the rest of my time on my own. Our way is founded on association, which I am not able to do. I moved to this place because it was the only job I could find after having been unemployed for about a year. I would be very grateful for your guidance.
wa `alaykum salam
Please see the post Going out in the evening.