taken baya online


salaam mevlana
may allah swt bless you always. thank you for response to our previous question. me and my family have taken baya online baraka of mevlana and mevlana sheik that he sent  a sister as a tool a light to help us towards him.i thank allah swt ver much.
please advise me mevlana latley i have had alot of problems in the family and seem to have strong feeling that mevalana are giving us answers through this sister as each time we say mevlana madad we seem to bump in to her and things thats she says realy answer the questions in our mind and feel at ease. my mum thinks mevlana are sending her as a light each time. as we do feel mevlanas presance around her. do we go with our feelings? is it possible mevlana are sending her to us? mashaallah she is very dedicated murid.


wa `alaykum salam,

Why not. Yes she can help.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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