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Tag Archives: accommodation
Where in the world should we be MSN and MSH
We went to Cyprus to ask this question but didn’t, and got the answer that we could go to Italy or USA… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged accommodation, Africa, education, Europe, funds, Germany, guidance, healthy lifestyle, high capital, ideal, inexpensive, Italian, Italy, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Morocco, mureeds, need, parents, small farm, Syria, ties, traditional lands, truthful ones, turbulence, usa, visit
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Disturbed by my marriage
I am deeply disturbed about my ”marriage”. I married a man who promised me many things. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged 2 rak`ats, accommodation, companionship, demanding, dhikr, dhikrullah, disturbed, disturbing, divorce, divorce threat, du`a, emotional involvement, financial problems, financial promise, fulfill promise, happy, hasbunallah Rabbunallah, insults, marriage, marriage life, money, patience, patient, problems, promise, salawat, swearing, Ya Halim
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