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Tag Archives: adab of tawiz
Sihr (black magic)
I want Tawiz of Grandshaykh `Abdullah. please send me or further details
thank you your kindness Continue reading
Prayer Request: What to do?
I want to ask one thing that according to the procedure mentioned we have to hang a taweez on our right shoulder. After completing 40 days what should we do with the taweez? Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged adab of tawiz, du`a of Sayyidina Dawud (as), manners towards tawiz, taweez
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Difficulty in getting married
I have done Istikhera and a religious person has also done it, according to which it will take time for everything to be resolved with his family members and for us to get married, but I want to get married as soon as possible Continue reading
Adab of Ta’weez
1. I got the Naqshbandi ta’weez for our family and we are wearing it. I forgot to ask – is it OK to wear it for general protection or it should it be worn only against black magic and evil eye?
[fr]1. I got the Naqshbandi ta’weez for our family and we are wearing it. I forgot to ask – is it OK to wear it for general protection or it should it be worn only against black magic and evil eye?
[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged adab of tawiz, encased, hifzh, latrine, manners towards tawiz, menses, menstruation, protective amulet, purity, ruqya, spiritual protection, tawbah, tawiz, WC, wrapping
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