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Tag Archives: affairs
Dream: In school
I was in my previous home with my classmates in the garden. The principal comes and tells us about how she has arranged this garden… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged affairs, arranging, authority figures, awliya, brothers, classmates, financial difficulties, garden, happy, higher studies, marketing, principal, respect, South East, spiritual life, students, teacher, wives
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Prayer Request: Humble Request for my affairs to become easier
I am recently undergoing a trial where I have been despondent and depressed but am now getting some sabr, but the trial continues and is not over… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged adab, affairs, believer, broken-hearted, depressed, depression, despair, despondent, etiquette, favorable, June, mercy, nearness to Allah, patience, Rajab, sabr, spiritual openings, strive, trial
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Dream: Angel of Death
I have had 2 dreams now of the death angel watching me but not doing anything. Does this mean anything? Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged advice, affairs, akhira, Angel of Death, death, dhikr, faces, fulfillment, hereafter, human being, isra and mi`raj, opening, promises, ready, salawat, seize, soul, spiritual, tawajjuh, watching
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