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Tag Archives: afraid
Dream: Mawlana told me not to worry
I had a dream, I was about to take my wudhu’ outside a big wooden door. While waiting for my turn, my heart was telling me to look inside. [fr]I had a dream, I was about to take my wudhu’ outside a big wooden door. While waiting for my turn, my heart was telling me to look inside. [/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged accompaniment, adab, afraid, burdens, eyes, heavenly knowledge, light, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, respect, shy, smile, support, white fabric, wooden door, wudu
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Dream: Python
I asked for answer through Istikhara about my marriage with a particular person. I saw a python in my dream… Continue reading
Worried about prayers
I am worried about my daily prayers. I am often unsure about the validity of my wudu’ and this makes me worry that my prayers may not be valid… Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana throws knives to meRêve: Mawlana me lance des couteaux
Mawlana calls me, takes me by the hand and “tells” me to hold near my throat some kind of silvered coin that is heart-shaped. He is going to throw knives. [fr]Mawlana m’appelle, me prend par la main et me dit de tenir près de ma gorge une sorte de pièce d’argent en forme de cœur…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged afraid, body, coin, dhikr, ear, faith, good tidings, happy, heart-shaped, knife, knives, love, Mawlana, silver coin, strong, throat, throw, trust, wall
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Rêve: Mawlana me lance des couteaux