Tag Archives: assistance

Hadith of calling invisible helpers (istighatha)

Shaykh, can you please give us a detailed Takhrij (just like hadith of Adam (As)) on the hadith mentioned below. ‘Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas’ud has narrated that the Prophet(saw) said: When you lose your means of transport in a jungle, you should call: ‘O creatures of Allah! Help me, recover my transport! O creatures of Allah! Help me, recover my transport !’… Continue reading

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Asking wife to leave the home

Question: If fulan says to his wife: “You have destroyed my life, you go to your father’s home for few days.” Does this break the relation?… Continue reading

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Depending/Asking help from jinn

Please help me with interpretations of the following verses: “And verily, there were men among mankind who took shelter with the males among the jinn, but they (jinn) increased them (mankind) in sin and transgression”[al-Jinn 72:6] Continue reading

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His eyes turn into cat’s eyes

A brother from tariqa, one of my relatives, makes his daily prayers, has wudu all the time, wears a taweez. Continue reading

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Meaning of Iyyaka Na`budu wa Iyyaka Nasta`in

Question: Salam alaykum: The question I have is on the explanation of an aya in Suratul Fatiha. To whom is: ‘Iyakka Nacbudu wa iyaka nastacin‘ referring? In other words, who is addressed? Answer: wa `alaykum salam Allah Most High is … Continue reading

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