Tag Archives: betrayal
Dream: Urgent istikhara
A friend of mine just broke up from her non-Muslim boyfriend (who recently made shahadah and whom she wanted to marry) after finding out that he was cheating on her. Continue reading
Young Adults Among Banu Qurayzah
Shaytan is using this topic to affect my Iman. What I fear most is doubts about my faith. My question is regarding the Banu Qurayzah. I understand the punishment was meant for for those who were treacherous, but the following hadith is bothering me. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Feeling of Despair and Loss of Hope
My iman has taken a battering since an event that occurred in 200_ (a guy I knew swore on the Qur’an an oath of marriage) was having a sexual relationship with my non-Muslim roommate… Continue reading
Worried and confused
On the other hand, I have dreams which imply he is going to a lady. I console myself that I should leave it in Allah’s hands… Continue reading
Husband’s betrayal
My husband is the only man I have ever been with. NO MAN HAS EVER touched me-we’ve been married for 2.5 years. I recently had a pap smear done and found HPV in my body. I went nuts and found out it is only sexually transmitted. I can’t look at this man, i can’t forgive him… Continue reading
Dream: 3 Dreams, One Night…
Second dream: London Olympics 2012, I see myself with Shaykh Nazim (Q) and Shaykh Hisham (Q), my aunt, uncle and grandfather… Continue reading