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Tag Archives: bida`tun hasanat
Good innovation
Question: Assalamu alaikum, I have a question on good innovations. Salafis contend that good innovations are only allowed in adiyyyat (non ritualistic actions) for masalih mursala, not for innovations in the religon itself. What would be the response? Answer: Waalaykumussalam … Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Belief & Doctrine, Sunnah
Tagged bida`tun hasanat, customs, innovation, rituals
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As far as I know the Mawlid al Nabi (salah Allah aleyhi wa salam), as we recognize today, was introduced by Emir Nur al Din al Zengi in the late 12th century… Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged bida`tun hasanat, birthday of Prophet (s), Eid, festival, good innovation, mawlid, Milad, Milad an-Nabi, systemization
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