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Tag Archives: black and white
Dream: Mawlana having red pupil
I dreamt about one of my relatives who does black magic on us. In the dream she goes out of the house and recites something… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged affect, affliction, aunts, black and white, black magic, deflect, eyes, family member, harm, heaviness, madad, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mother, photo, picture, presecription, pupils, red, relative, room, sihr, sister, spiritual inheritence, taweez, tawiz
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Hadith on Future
“After judgement day there will be a day of assembly when people of heaven and hell will be brought together. A ram will be sacrificed… Continue reading
Posted in Hadith, Takhrij
Tagged assemply, black and white, caller, death, eternity, hadith, Judgment Day, necks, people of Hell, people of Paradise, ram, sacrifice, Sahih Bukhari, slaughter, stretched, Surat Maryam
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