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Tag Archives: bride
Dream of bride and giving my burqah
Dreamt of bride uncovered – got her white cake, looked homemade. Continue reading
Long Engagement
I have been engaged for two years and the marriage has been arranged through our parents… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged arranged marriage, bride, consummate, convince, engaged, engagement, groom, long engagement, marriage contract, nikah, parents, walima, wedding
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Dream: Ladies in white wedding dresses
I had a dream that London, UK is on a standstill due to an attack. I am standing and waiting with many people, as we are not allowed to use any transport… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged attack, believers, bride, building, chaos, confusion, ego, gowns, groom, guns, jumping, ladies, London, restricted, restricted transportation, scared, siege, transport, transportation, UK, under attack, white birds, white wedding dress, worldwide
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Dream: terrifying dreams
I often dream about peoples death (sometimes people I know and sometimes people I dont know in real life). Sometimes I dream that their death was my mistake and that i had killed them. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged backbiting, bride, death, dunya, ghibah, sin, wedding
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Haq Mahr
Q:I am hoping your staff can help me understand a little bit more about the rulings on Haq Mehr. I am insha’Allah getting married in January and our families are now discussing how much the Haq Mehr should be. Continue reading
Nikah Mutaah
Q: Please can u enlighten me and the readers about the validity of nikah mutaah? Continue reading