Tag Archives: brother
Dream: About marriage
I see that a crowd of people are seeing Mawlana Shaykh Nazim go and I am helping him sit into a car… Continue reading
Please Guide me
I am from Pakistan currently in US. For the last 2 years I am in grief, as my marriage ended suddenly and tragically, even before it’s consummated… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Mom’s health
My mom has high cholesterol. Please recommend something for her health. I think it could be due to stress… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Court Trial date
My name is [private], I am a mureed. I have a court date on Feb 14th 2011. I am the defendant in the case… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Prophet (s) when I was a newborn
I have couple of questions, PLEASE do answer them, it would bring relief to me… Continue reading
Prayer Request: My brother is on the wrong path
I have one brother who is older then me. He is on the wrong path; he does a lot of bad things and is depressed… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Family Problem
My brother, who is in his late 40″s moved back in with my parents 3 years ago cuz he hasn’t worked for the last 4 years and has no money, but refuses to work. He moved out 10 years prior to moving in now. Continue reading
Dream: Quran written in thick gold
I had a dream where I entered a room with a large sized book, which was the Quran written in gold. Continue reading
Dream: At midnight from midnight
I had a dream that Sheikh HIsham called me & told me “Today at midnight Mawlana Nazim will be sending you support to whom to marry so stay up & wait for him”. Continue reading
Dream: Garden and rocks
I was in a country house and remeber this beautiful garden, one like I have never seen before. I remember admiring the beauty but seeing some large rocks. Continue reading