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Tag Archives: consistent
Prayer Request: For Blessings on Marriage
I am about to be engaged. I know this boy very well and I do want to be with him… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged blessed life, consistent, engagement, istikhara prayer, marriage, marriage proposal, no reservations, obligatory prayers
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Better to do one dhikr or many different ones?
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham once told me to do 1000 times hasbunAllah wa na`mal wakeel for past problems in my life… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged amount, awrad, consistency, consistent, dhikr, fix, guidance, hasbunallah, hasbunallah Rabbunallah, increase, lack in character, past problems, prescribe, prescription, regular, sign, tawakkul, trust
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Isme zaat vision in green
Since I came back from Umrah 2008 when I close my eyes I see green light… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged `umrah, acts of worship, Allah, Arabic, belief, close eyes, confirmation of faith, consistent, dhikr, encouragement, green, green light, heart, improve, progress, reward, Salat al-`Isha, sign, spiritual path, vision
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Menstrual Cycle and prayers
Again I apologize for the lack of clarity in the question. So this person would like to know when she can and can’t pray?.. and here are the details of her cycle. Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer, Women's Issues
Tagged clean, consistent, cramps, cycle, heavy bleeding, menses, menstrual cycle, menstruation, monthly cycle, period, prayer, purity, regular, salat
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