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Tag Archives: daily prayers
When reading Isha you read 4 sunnat and you have to move for whatever reason is it allowed to get up… Continue reading
I have been doing zikr of darood within the heart for a while last week my friend explained a form of zikr called qalbi zikr a Naqshbandi mureed explained it to him and he explained it to me… Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
Tagged daily prayers, dhikr by heart, dhikr qalbi, loud voice, salat, silent dhikr
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Dhikr with turban
I’ve asked before if I could do dhikr with other groups and was told yes but have to wear the turban… Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged congregational dhikr, daily prayers, group dhikr, kufi, sunnah dress, turban cap
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Dream: In the masjid
had a dream that I was in a masjid and there was a sheikh sitting down and reading a kitab so I’m sitting close to him… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `ilm, book, daily prayers, fingers, kitab, knowledge, learning, masjid, middle, obligatory prayers, raise hands, reading, salat, shaykh, shoes, sitting, Sunnah, sunnah prayers, wearing, worship
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Worried about prayers
I am worried about my daily prayers. I am often unsure about the validity of my wudu’ and this makes me worry that my prayers may not be valid… Continue reading