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Tag Archives: death penalty
When can the apostate be executed?
Is it true that an apostate is not executed for “merely” committing apostasy (as… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged apostate, death penalty, judgment
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Punishment of Shaatim
Is the punishment of Shaatim e Rasul (the one who commits blasphemy regarding… Continue reading
Posted in Qur'an & Tafsir
Tagged blasphemy, death penalty, insult
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Leaving Islam
On behalf of someone else I would like to ask the following: What are the rules in islam if a muslim declares that he/she doens’t believe anymore and thus has left islam. Is there a deathpenalty on this? Unfortunately such a question has risen between an atheist and a Muslim, claiming that it is so. Please, could you provide further insight on this topic? Many thanks in advance. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged atheism, atheist, death penalty, leaving Islam
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