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Tag Archives: depression
Prayer Request:Depressed, Feeling Unwanted
I’m sorry if i say anything wrong but I just wanted to ask Mawlana if he could pray for me I’m having a very tough patch. My family is not keen with me. My dad doesn’t talk to me without any reason… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Prayer Request
Tagged depression, family issues
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Problems upon waking up
I have a friend who is not Muslim but is interested in Sufism. For the past year he has been having serious problems waking up in the morning. Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged conversion, depression, feeling suicidal, non-Muslim, Shahada
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Long Term Depression
Its been six months since I have had major depression from waswas and now am struggling with thoughts where i don’t know what am saying that when my heart… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged abundant salawat, depression, tawakkul, The Forgiver
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Life Problems
Lately I feel like giving up on life as there is no hope for me. I have the curse of Allah looming on me for intentionally missing Ramadan fasts. Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request, Siyam - Fasting
Tagged depression, forgiveness, missed fasts, repentance, sin, suicide, tawba
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Coping with Loss
Please help me as I’m extremely depressed and unable to cope. after marriage and then separation husband has moved on easily but I’m still stuck emotionally… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged abusive husband, depression, feeling suicidal, past love
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Prayer Request: saving my life
I am in desperate need for dua, I need to be reunited with the lady i love dearly and we both had decided to get married, but some how due to my mistakes I made her angry at me and now she has stopped talking to me and told me that she don’t like me anymore… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged depression, du`a of Sayyidina Dawud, feeling suicidal, lost love, seeking marriage
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Prayer Request: Searching For Inner Peace..
I have been very ill for a long time with various health problems including kidney stones and have now developed kerataconus in both eyes. My Imaan in very weak and i am struggling to cope with things. I am also very depressed and suicidal and have nowhere to turn. Continue reading
Posted in Health, Prayer Request
Tagged coping mechanisms, depression, despair, dhikr gathering, extended illness, feeling suicidal, healing of sickness, inner peace, kidney stones, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, natural medicine, peace of heart, plant, prolonged illness, root, thyme herb, weak iman
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Ya Sayydi my disappointment and somewhat disbelief is at its last leg.I am speechless against what i have faced till now.You know me more than any being on this planet and beyond… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged depression, despair, disappointment, distressed mureed, life trials, sajdah, sincere du`a, weak iman
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Is it true?
I’v been Cyprus its been a few months now and outside sheikh nazim house it said the one who takes lives in Arabic and if that is true please tell sheikh nazim to take my life away asap because iv just had a enough of dunya and am fed up of my life if it is true that sheikh nazim can take lives? Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged asking for death, depression, despair, Divine Name, giving up, good life, leave dunya, self-doubt, shukrulillah, tawakkul, weak faith, Ya Malik al-Mulk
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can a human and a jinn fall in love
i would like to know if a pious human and jinn can fall in love with each other without being possesed. i have known a pious jinn for a year. he has changed my life. he has cured my depression. we both have very strong feelings for each other, and i am 100% sure that i am not possesed… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged depression, in love, jinn possession, permissible relations, pious humans, pious jinn, relationships with jinn
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