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Tag Archives: Divine Law
A question from a nine year old:
My daughter asked me, “All people believe that their religion is the true religion. How do I know that my religion is the true one.” Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Bible, Divine Law, divine revelation, Holy Qur'an, messengers, Prophet Muhammad (s), prophets, religion of truth, true religion
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Needing help.
Q: I converted muslim quite quickly and followed rules very strickly, even though I felt some dissonance about some things. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Women's Issues
Tagged acceptance, Allah, Divine Law, evolutionary approach, faith, hijab, love, polygamy, Shari`ah, step-by-step
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Qadi Ruling Against Shari`ah
Q:Can someone please provide or direct me to any discussion amongst the fuqaha regarding a Qadhi who, in a particular scenario, gives a ruling explicitly against the Sharia due to some extrinsic reason, such as his having some emotional connection to the plaintiff. Continue reading