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Tag Archives: flying
I’ve been having dreams that I am flying into the sky, calling Allah, many times. I fly towards the sky where I can see a blue/green light. [fr]I’ve been having dreams that I am flying into the sky, calling Allah, many times. I fly towards the sky where I can see a blue/green light. [/fr] Continue reading →
Dream: White flying horse with schoolmateRêve : cheval blanc volant avec camarade de classe
I met a school friend of mine who is dating a white horse, which can fly. The horse is majestic and handsome.[fr]Dans mon rêve, je rencontre un(e) ami(e) qui sortait avec un cheval blanc comme si le cheval blanc était son petit ami et qui pouvait voler…[/fr] Continue reading →
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Allah's Rights, culprit, dating, flying, handsome, robbery, stealing, temporary pleasures, unrest, white horse
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Rêve : cheval blanc volant avec camarade de classe
Dream: horse and drinking water
1st dream after sister passed away. She is telling me she has to get on the brown horse and fly on it and that it is test for her to go onto another level. Continue reading →