Tag Archives: following sunnah
Beardless Taking Baya
I want to ask that in this tariqat many peoples are coming and taking bayah online or face to face, but most of them are beardless or shave their beards. What is the authenticity of their baya? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged baya` acceptance, baya` authenticity, beardless, following sunnah, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, no beard, previous times, rahmah, Shari`ah, shaving
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I am told that if I believe in Naqshbandi order, I should not raise my index finger during Tashahhud; because the Prophet (s) raised it only to stop a falling rock. Is this correct?
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Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged following sunnah, naqshbandi, raising index finger, tashahud
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