Tag Archives: foreknowledge

Here or my country?which is easiest?

Asalamalaykum wr wb, i’ve had this question in the back of my mind for a very long time now, and since our sheikhs know what is better for us i had an important question to ask so when the time comes i wont be confused.
1) should i marry a girl who is from my country that lives here in america?
2) or should i marry a girl who lives in my country, which would mean its the decision of my parents as to who the girl is going to be? this way i think is harder because we think different because i’m raised in america and she over in my country, and it will take a while if i were to sponsor her.
sheikh gibril interpreted my dream and said i should seek the easiest way of marriage. please help me?what is the way i should do it?
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