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Tag Archives: good deeds
I am wondering that if a Muslim has done zinah in his past, how can he do kuffara for that sin… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged 2 rak`ats, admission, adultery, forgiveness, good deeds, guilt, kaffara, private repentance, sin, sincere repentance, tawbah, zina
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To be nothing and To know oneself
1: It is advised that we have to be nothing. May I know what it means to be nothing and what should one do to be nothing. [fr]1: It is advised that we have to be nothing. May I know what it means to be nothing and what should one do to be nothing. [/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged akhira, analysis, bad deeds, character, characteristics, dunya, ego, good and evil, good deeds, journal, muhasaba, nothing, personality, psychology, record, self -confidence, something, struggle
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Repentance for zina and drinking
Q: Could you please advise the best method of repentance for the following: 1) Adultery; 2) Drinking alcohol[fr]Q: Could you please advise the best method of repentance for the following: 1) Adultery; 2) Drinking alcohol[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Prayer Request
Tagged `azm, adultery, desisting, determination, drinking, forgiveness, good deeds, hadd, huquq, iqla`, istighfar, legal punishment, nadama, remorse, repentance, sins, violated rights, zina
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