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Tag Archives: grandfather
I am lost, I need guidance and I need answers. I feel that the only person capable of giving them to me, giving me something substantial, is Shaykh Nazim (R.A) … Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged connection, disappointed, grandfather, guidance, mazar
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Dream: My grandfather and a Shaykh Rêve: mon grand-père et un Cheikh
I saw a dream that my maternal grandfather’s elder brother (who is a Sheikh of Chishtiya-Rehmanya Order at present) is sleeping on the bed while my maternal grandfather said something to him.[fr]J’ai vu en rêve que mon le frère aîné de mon grand-père maternel (qui est actuellement un Cheikh de l’ordre Chishtiya-Rehmanya)…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bedside, brother, Chishti, grandfather, shaykh, smile, spiritual connection, tariqah
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Rêve: mon grand-père et un Cheikh
I get no solace visiting my grandfather’s mazaar or taking any name of any awliyah. Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Prophet Muhammad (s)
I was doing ziyarat of Prophet Muhammad* and then I asked duas Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Ahl al-Bayt, baya`, benefits, du`a, faces, family, generations, grandfather, People of the House, Prophet Muhammad (s), uncle, ziyarah
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Dream: dream or illusion
It’s been seven months ago when this happened to me. Me and my husband have just come from a 4-5 hrs long journey. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged grandfather, hospital, husband, journey, sleep
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Dream: Grandfather Dying in One’s Arms
As last night itself, I dreamed of my late grandpa. He was suffering in bed because in the room there was a silver ring with a Saphire stone, and it was this ring which made him sick. He wanted to make duas on him, I cried for my mum to make it but in vain, he left dunya in my arms.[fr]As last night itself, I dreamed of my late grandpa. He was suffering in bed because in the room there was a silver ring with a Saphire stone, and it was this ring which made him sick. He wanted to make duas on him, I cried for my mum to make it but in vain, he left dunya in my arms.[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bed, death, die, du`a, dunya, grandfather, invocation, paradise, ring, sapphire, Sayyidina Ali, silver, Sunnah
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