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Tag Archives: highest mureed
Prayer Request: For opening spiritual door of heart
I have been a mureed of Mawlana Shaikh Nazim for over 6 years now, and undoubtedly the worst mureed possible, but a mureed none the less![fr] I have been a mureed of Mawlana Shaikh Nazim for over 6 years now, and undoubtedly the worst mureed possible, but a mureed none the less![/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged accepted, amanah, awliyaullah, du`a, ego, heart, highest mureed, improvement, knots, locked heart, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mureed, path, praise, praised ego, tariqah, visit, worst mureed
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