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Tag Archives: Ibn `Abbas (r)
Companion-narrators ranking by numbers
I wanted to confirm if Aaisha (may Allah be pleased with her) was 3rd or 4th in rank in narration of hadiths. Continue reading
Posted in Hadith
Tagged `A'isha (r), `Abd Allah ibn `Amr ibn al-`As (r), `Abdullah ibn `Umar (r), `Abdullah Ibn Mas`ud (r), Abu Hurayra (r), Abu Sa`id al-Khudri (r), Anas ibn Malik (r), Companion-narrators, Ibn `Abbas (r), Jabir ibn `Abd Allah, Sahaba
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Disobedience of the Jinn Before Adam (as)
Question: Please can you answer for the following question? I have heard the below statement in the khutbah of Imam just before juma prayer at the Mosque, “Before Allah swt created Adam asĀ He swt created jinns and they were … Continue reading
Posted in History, Qur'an & Tafsir
Tagged bloodshed, disobedience, fire, freewill, human beings, iblis, Ibn `Abbas (r), Imam ar-Razi, jinn, kufr, Sayyidina Adam (as)
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