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Tag Archives: Ibn `Abd al-Barr
Hanafi belief in Awliya Allah
What did Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A) say on having a shaykh, and on esaale sawab and calling upon the pious, Continue reading →
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged `ulama, `uzlah, akhlaq, al-qawm, conveyance of reward, Dawud at-Ta'i, dead, dhikr, fiqh, Hanafi, Ibn `Abd al-Barr, Ibn `Abd al-Salam, Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam as-Sakhawi, Imam Ibn as-Subki, intercession, isal ath-thawab, jurisprudence, jurists, means, Mullah `Ali al-Qari, Qadi Iyad, Quran, recitation, righteous, Salaf, salihin, scholars, seclusion, solitude, Sufi, tasawwuf, tawassul
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Imam tells future events
Is it right in Islam for any Imam to say he knows the events of the future? Is there anyone but Allah who knows the person we will be married to or end up with or the type of life we will lead? Continue reading →