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Tag Archives: Jesus Christ
Dream: Sunni Syrians will take over Al-Aqsa
Salam, I was riding a weird motorbike in what seemed like a mountain in a desert area, when I reached the end I got off the bike and I jumped from the edge but I had a mini helicopter that floated me all the way down safely… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Ahlus Sunnah, end of times, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Masjid al-Aqsa, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Sayyidina `Isa, Sham, Sunni
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Imam MehdiImam Mahdi
Q: I have a few questions in regards to the coming of Iman mehdi,Isa pbuh,and the dajjal.[fr]J’ai quelques questions par rapport à l’arrivée de l’Imam Mahdi, de Issa (as) et de Dajjal…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Sunnah
Tagged al-Mahdi, anti-Messiah, Armageddon, Dajjal, Damascus, hadith, Jesus Christ, Last Days, Prophetic narrations, Sayyidina `Isa, Sham, Ummayyad Mosque
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Imam Mahdi
Dream: seeing Jesus as a Christian?
…when I was about 11 years old, I saw a dream in which Jesus was in a dark room with some evil people torturing him in invisible ways. Jesus was in great agony, running about the room and screaming, trying to free himself. When I woke up I felt a deep human connection to him and never disliked him afterwards, but adopted the view that he was misunderstood, but I still didn’t subscribe to the Christian doctrine… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `aqidah, beliefs, connection, doctrine, evil, humiliation, Jesus Christ, Sayyidina `, torture
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